EbNoL Menu


Name Sybtax
Equal to ==
Not equal to !=
Greater than >
Less than <
Greater than or equal to >=
Less than or equal to <=
OR or
AND and
Negation not
true statement true
false statement false

IF and IF ELSE Statements

// Create the main module for the program
Mod Main

  func Main(int argc, char array(0,0) argv) void
    int foo = 3
    int bar = 4

    if (foo == bar or false)
      // Basic if statement
    end if

    if (foo != bar and not true)
      // IF statement
      // Else statement
    end if

    if (foo <= bar)
      // First block
    else if (foo > bar)
      // Second block
      // Third block
    end if

  END Main

END Main