EbNoL Menu


Datatypes native to EbNoL are the same ones that come standard with other languages. Everything for manipulating numbers, decimals, and strings are available.

Unlike C/C++ strings and string manipulating commands are native to EbNoL. Also, lists similar to what you would find in python is native to EbNoL.

Type Sybtax
Number int
Number i8
Number i16
Number i32
Number i64
Number ui8
Number ui16
Number ui32
Number ui64
Decimal double
Decminal float
String String
Character char
Boolean bool
Custom <custom>
Variable Length Datatypes
Array <datatype> array(dim 1 size, ... , dim n size) <identifier>
List <datatype> list <identifier>

Zero dimension data declaration and assignments follow the format of datatype name = value

Datatype Examples

Mod Main

  func Main(int argc, char array(0,0) argv) void
    // Create an integer
    int a = 5

    // Create a decminal
    double b = 5.5
    float c = 5.5

    // Create a string
    string d = "water is wet"

    // Create a char
    char e = "i"

    // Create a boolean
    bool f = true

    // Create array
    int array(5) g = [1,2,3,4,5]
    g[2] = a

    // Create list
    int list h = [1,2,3,4,5]
    h[2] = a

  END Main

END Main