EbNoL Menu

Help Menu

  -- -- -- -- -- EbNoL Transpiler Help -- -- -- -- --
  Version: v0.0.0.1

  Help Commands:
          -h      help

  Verbose Commands:
          -v      verbose
          -vs     verbose source code
          -vl     verbose lexer
          -vp     verbose parser
          -vg     verbose grammer
          -vo     verbose optimizer
          -vc     verbose code output
          -vv     very verbose (flags all of the above)

          example: -vlpo

  Directory Input:
          Instead of giving each source file a directory can be given and .ebnol files will be found.

          -r      Recursively find ebnol files

  Source Code:
          Put directories or file paths anywhere in the command to identify ebnol source code files.

          example: ./main.ebnol
          example: ./

  C++ Output:
          EbNoL transpiles into c++ and by default writes the generated c++ to "%TEMP%/ebnol/". When defining a custom directory do not put a space after the equal sign.


  Executable Output:
          -o=[file]       The path and filename for the executable output.

  C++ Compiler:
          -dc             Dont compile the generated C++.
          compiler=       Command for the C++ compiler

          example: compiler=clang++



Compile a single file program to an executable called test
> ebnol ./main.ebnol -o=test

Compile a multi-file program using directory recursion
> ebnol ./ -r -o=test

Compile by specifying the cpp compiler to use
> ebnol ./main.ebnol -o=test compiler=gcc

Save the converted C++ code to the current directory and dont create an executable
> ebnol ./main.ebnol tmp=./ -dc